
What Solutions We Provide to Our Valued Customers

Enjoy up to 1000 mb/s speed private proxy servers with 99,9% uptime – this is lightning fast proxies speed that we offer with our proxies


Our proxies are datacenter type and non-rotating (stable) proxies. You can refresh your proxies after one billing period (one month) if you want


We deliver proxies in ip:port format with ip authentication feature. Proxies do not have username or password, we need only your IP to use proxies


The more proxies you buy, the more subnets you get – it is worth ordering more! Multiple subnets from various India locations with every proxy pack


Our proxies are semi-dedicated and shared with maximum of 5 users at a time. Speed and quality guaranteed as well as low prices for proxies


We deliver your proxies in .txt file to your email. Just download and use you proxies with every program, software and browser you want


Choose your pricing plan

Privet Proxy
300 Monthly Package
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • upto 1000 MBPS speed
  • Location INDIA
  • running time 24hours
  • 24x7 Service
Residential Proxy
400 Monthly Package
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • upto 1000 MBPS speed
  • Location INDIA
  • running time 24hours
  • 24x7 Service
Data Center Proxy
650 Monthly Package
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • upto 3000 MBPS speed
  • Location INDIA
  • running time 24hours
  • 24x7 Service
Let's Talk

Real Time Customer Service.

Our highly trained customer support executives are available 24/7 to provide you assistance in your every support requests. Whether you buy Indian Proxy IPs in small or major quantity, we provide instant support to resolve any of your issues.

Schedule Appointment

We here to help you 24/7 with experts